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Today’s challenges require greater boldness and courage than ever before.

Join the network of courageous leaders who are standing up.

Serving Leaders to Advance Constitutional Principles


What legislators are saying about PFLN

“Incredible resource for leaders! The combination of experts sharing the culmination of research and experience, collaboration / sharing from leaders across the U.S. and the encouragement and building up of our faith is amazing and so needed!"


“Most impactful training / education conference I have attended. All constitutional conservative legislators should attend! If you can only do one conference, this is the one!”


"As a state representative I am not allocated funds for research or staff so an organization which can offer me such extensive resources is a Godsend. Pro-Family Legislative Network assisted me every step of the way, even taking an emergency call during the legislative session to evaluate proposed changes. Thank you so much for offering those in government such a necessary tool."



Resources for legislators whose constituents are counting on them

Policy Tip Sheet

New European Union ESG Law Will Eliminate Economic Freedom, Individual Liberty, and U.S. Sovereignty

This authoritarian directive poses one of the greatest threats to freedom experienced by American families today.

Displaying the Ten Commandments in Schools

The Ten Commandment were a prominent part of American education for almost 3 centuries before the Court’s 1980 decision . This is affirmed....

Pro-IVF Bills Are Proliferating. Pro-Life and Pro-Family Legislators Must Be Wary.

While millions of children have been conceived through IVF, the process entails significant risks to the health of women and children that must be more widely understood.

See Upcoming Events

Pro-Family Legislative Conference

Pro-Family Legislative Conference


Pro-Family Legislative Conference

Pro-Family Legislative Network Washington D.C. Tour

Pro-Family Legislative Network Washington D.C. Tour


Pro-Family Legislative Network Washington D.C. Tour

Join Tim and David Barton, Along with Fellow PFLN Members, for an Exclusive D.C. Experience! Step into the heart of our nation’s history and experience the rich, moral, and religious foundations that have shaped America. This unique opportunity offers a private, evening Spiritual Heritage Tour of the United States Capitol, led by Tim and David […]

Understand the Threats Posed by the Uniform Law Commission
Policy Briefing

Understand the Threats Posed by the Uniform Law Commission

Policy Briefing

Understand the Threats Posed by the Uniform Law Commission

Hidden in the Uniform Law Commission’s model policies are changes that seek to increase executive governor’s control, pave the way for a Central Bank Digital Currency, and undermine private property rights as we know them today. The need for legislators to carefully review the policies developed by the Uniform Law Commission has never been greater. […]

The time for courageous leadership is now.

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